Registration Fees and Form

Registration fees cover participation in all sessions of the conference, coffee-breaks, and symposium related materials. There is no staying option for the conference. You should find out a hotel to stay there.

Before (15 October 2020)  After (15 October 2020)
 200 TL (graduate)  300 TL (graduate)
 100 TL (student)  200 TL (student)

The table presented above is for the participants that will be attended from Turkey. This fee is for an article. The same author(s) must pay extra 100 TL for the second paper.

 Before (15 October 2020)  After (15 October 2020)
 100 Euro (graduate)  150 Euro (graduate)
 50 Euro (student)  100 Euro (student)

The table presented above is for the participants that will be attended from abroad. This fee is for an article. The same author(s) must pay extra 50 Euro for the second paper.


Please make sure to quote the following Reference:

By remitting the amount to in Turkish Lira


Account number: 1235/6298261

Bank name and  branch: Türkiye Garanti Bankası Serdivan Şubesi

IBAN number: IBAN: TR66 0006 2001 2350 0006 2982 61

Currency: Please assume 1 Euro = 9 TL

 (*Konferans ücretlerine KDV dahil değildir)